The journey, which I started four years ago, has shown me that you can have everything you want in this world if you are prepared to ask the tough questions.  My daughter Isabelle, who is now 19 months old, starts her day fully loaded with questions and she has no fear as to the response she may get or the impact that question may have on the person she is asking. 

Time for a Tara slap! What have you achieved over the last 6 month?

Now I know a Tara slap may sound a little harsh but this is the time of year we really need to look back on our targets we have set for 2016 and make sure we are on track. Before entering into the second half of the year now is a great time to set aside an hour or so on the weekend or during your normal week to plan out and do a mid-year review.

Use this time to reflect back on the first six months of the year and make adjustments to your goals for the remainder of the year. 
