BDM Academy is a professional and innovative training firm which has been designed to primarily focus on educating and training Business Development Managers within the Property Management Industry.
Director Tara Bradbury is a Licensed Real Estate Agent with more than 16 years experience and an explosive passion for Business Development.
Tara Bradbury BIO (Mentor AUS & NZ)
When you are looking for direction and support for all things Rent Roll Growth and Business Development, Tara Bradbury is the person to connect with. Over the last 16 years, Tara has been actively involved in many parts of Property management. During that time, the role of BDM (Business Development Manager) really grabbed her attention and demonstrated her creativity. Tara’s major accomplishments include successfully securing 268 listings in one financial year and signing 30 new rental listings in one month. She is the author of, “Real Estate Business Development - Grow your Rent Roll” and regularly performs keynote presentations for many of the leading industry groups throughout Australasia.
Tara is dynamic and highly motivated with an explosive passion for Business Development. She has developed a reputation for being the growth expert for individuals and businesses through her online and department training packages.
It is often assumed that the role of a BDM is to simply sign new landlords. From her experience, Tara can assure you it's much more than that. A successful BDM needs to be able to establish and maintain relationships with landlords and referral sources whilst understanding the vision of the Agency and providing direction for the entire Property Management Department.
Tara’s vast wealth of knowledge in Business Growth is sure to interest Real Estate Principals who are looking to grow their most valuable asset and income stream - their Rental Roll. Tara’s creative approach to this niche role has opened doors across Australia, New Zealand and the United States where she shares the latest technology and ways to continue improving your online and offline presence.
To speak with Tara direct email - or book an online meeting HERE.
Looking for a keynote speaker for you up and coming event?
Over the month of March in 2018, I had the immense pleasure of traveling with Tara Bradbury as a fellow presenter at 5 locations around Australian and New Zealand.
Tara was delivering educational content to room’s full of property managers, generally toward the end of a full day of training, as well as doubling both as a panellist and panel co-ordinator.
The message was relevant and applicable, the delivery was warm and insightful and the audience were engaged, despite the time of day.
Tara has an ability to identify an audience very quickly and deliver a concise targeted message to that audience on demand. I have personally heard Tara, modify the message to match the audience.
I highly recommend Tara as a presenter, her communication and professionalism are brilliant, and asset worth having at any conference, exhibition or event.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Peter Schravemade Box Brownie
Kasey McDonald BIO (Mentor AUS - NZ - USA)
In the property industry, Kasey is synonymous with Property Management excellence. After starting her real estate career in the late 1990's, Kasey has gone on to become one of the most highly regarded Property Management Consultants in South-East Queensland. With a reputation built on professionalism and bottom-line results, she is trained in Best Practice Systems and can revolutionise and streamline internal property management procedures to encourage steady growth and better profitability.
In her time as a National Training and Management Consultant, Kasey has introduced better practices, training and system implementations to more than 100 real estate offices around the country. Her ongoing support, training, auditing and re-structuring strategies promote increases to bottom-line profits and efficiencies in poorly performing offices. From her experience as a real estate business owner, Kasey has a thorough understanding of the key operations for any successful real estate business. From administration procedures and business audits through to HR management and Business Development, she has the experience and results to equip business owners with the tools they need to efficiently run their real estate business for better future profitability. To speak with Kasey or book in a session email her direct on
A recent success story from one of our USA members
When I started as a BDM, I really had no idea where to begin. Connecting with Kasey really helped me understand all facets of my position, and also gave me the tools to be successful. Kasey routinely challenged me to think about how I was approaching leads at different stages, and provided constructive criticism when I needed it most. I worked extensively with Kasey on my scripts, replies, and even the best way for me to structure my day, and daily tasks. Kasey's guidance has been instrumental in my success as a BDM! Adam Manly Goodlife Property Management USA